Mineral sealing slurries are especially robust waterproofing systems with extremely good adhesion to mineral surfaces. They are not affected by moist surfaces and become an integral part of the building structure on which they were applied. Mineral sealing slurries are paste-like and are applied seamlessly to the building element being waterproofed. They are easy and safe to apply and can be installed as rigid or crack bridging systems.
On clean, solid, stable, gypsum free mineral substrates KÖSTER Polysil TG 500 is applied as a primer. This immobilizes salts present in the substrate and the substrate is solidified.
Pipe penetrations are waterproofed using KÖSTER KB-Flex 200 and sealed with KÖSTER KB-Fix 5. Alternatively, these areas are to be attached to the waterproofing using proper sleeves or flanges.
The actual area waterproofing is achieved using KÖSTER NB 4000 in two layers. The installation of KÖSTER Glass Fiber Mesh is recommended between the KÖSTER NB 4000 layers to achieve an especially reinforced waterproofing layer. In areas especially in danger of water creeping behind the waterproofing such as wall-floor junctions, a substrate preparation with KÖSTER NB 1 Grey mixed with KÖSTER NB 1 Flex is applied. To avoid stresses in the elastic waterproofing, rounded fillets made of KÖSTER Repair Mortar Plus are installed in interior corners.
Before backfilling, the waterproofing is protected from mechanical damages and settling with KÖSTER SD Protection and Drainage Sheet.
Always adhere to the specifications in the respective Technical Guidelines.
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